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Focus Your Resources
In the Right Direction.

Inefficiencies at the office can frustrate you to the point of no return – literally! But there are certain internal business problems that moving an office won’t fix. Let’s jump right in and take a look at them, so you can focus your resources in the right direction. 

1. Unmotivated Employees

Moving an office isn’t a sales pitch. So don’t try to sell employees on the benefits of a new space in hopes of motivating better performance. As this Harvard Business Review article suggests, no external incentive can motivate people to perform. We have to find our own drive to succeed.

Instead try… 

Instead of trying to coax unmotivated employees with superficial amenities, try removing the real barriers they have to completing their tasks. Allow for new technology or additional staff. Because believe it or not, most of us actually want to do a good job at work. If you discover that you’re unable to remove performance barriers in your current office, then it’s time to move on. Otherwise, the people who will likely benefit most from a new office are those who are already performing well. If your true challenge is a lack of motivation, be careful about uprooting the rest of your office simply for a better aesthetic.

2. Budget Problems

Moving an office can save you money. For example, moving to the suburbs may save on rent, taxes and even utility costs. Moving to the city can save on client and talent acquisition costs. But neither move can make you better at budgeting. We suggest taking a close look at your spending before deciding you can’t afford to stay where you are. Moving an office entails additional expenses – like design and office movers – that will more than pay for themselves if you’re making the right move. But, if you’re adding an unbudgeted expense to an already bad budget situation, you may want to reconsider the ultimate benefit. 

Instead try…

If you don’t already have a controller or an accountant on staff, hiring one might be a wiser long-term investment than moving an office that’s meeting the needs of your business.

3. Poor Workflow

You need to be as efficient as possible in your current setup. That way you can recognize what your office is lacking and identify areas for improvement. Are your processes documented? If so, are they being followed? If so, are they working as intended? Moving an office to a bigger space won’t necessarily improve efficiency or flow. It may even end up magnifying the problem.

Instead try…

Implement new processes or modify existing ones to see if change can improve your workflow. You can also hire a space planner to help you create a more functional – and aesthetic – workplace by optimally moving office furniture and equipment.

4. Friction Between Departments

Again, more space isn’t necessarily the answer to your problems. Often, the underlying reason for conflict or competitiveness within an organization goes deeper than the physical environment. When department heads claim they will work better together when there is more space available to them, dig deeper into the issue.

Instead try…

Meet with each department to hear their concerns. Try not to focus on a solution before gaining a clear understanding of the problem. Salaries, budgets, and management’s responsiveness to departmental needs may be the root cause. All of which will follow you no matter where you go.


Remember your business vision. It won’t let you down. If you’re moving an office to achieve your business goals, we can help you get there.