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Don’t Move. Immprove!

Considering a change of address? Maybe you’ve hired additional staff, or your building seems full of more cracks than character these days. If so, it might be time to move your office. But before you start adjusting budgets and packing up power cords, here are a few tips that may make staying in your current office an even better choice than moving to a new office.

1. Start by Assessing Your Needs

It’s easy to say your current office isn’t working, but unless you break it down into specifics, you risk moving into an equally unsuitable new office. Once you’ve identified what needs changing, you may be surprised at just how much you can transform the space you’re in. With the right framework and a plan, it’s possible to meet your business needs now and well into the future. Or, at least long enough to find your dream office.

Key Factors in Assessing Your Current Office:

  • Does every employee have a dedicated workspace?
  • Are space limitations preventing you from adding resources necessary to grow, or run your business more efficiently?
  • Is there enough parking for employees and clients? Never underestimate the power of a parking spot!
  • Is there a variety of private and collaborative workspaces?
  • Where is the company headed in the next 3-5 years?

Talk to your employees. Find out what they love about the current office. Don’t change it! What are their biggest complaints? Can they be addressed without moving to a new office?

2. Keep an Open Mind

Now that you’re sure you have the list of reasons why it’s time to move your office, think again. Try to re-imagine the place. If you’re having trouble seeing the potential for change, invest in a professional consultation with an interior designer, or office moving company, because professional office movers can also assist with space re-configuration. And a fresh perspective will open up a world of possibilities… and space.

Ultimately, your industry and office culture will determine just how much open planning is right for your office, but overall, fewer walls mean more:

  • Communication
  • Light
  • Efficiency
  • Available floor space
  • Modern design

Each of which, play a major role in boosting productivity.

Can your employees work from home a few days each month? With the right equipment (see point #3 below) your staff can work effectively from nearly anywhere. Offering some flexibility will take pressure off office resources and rejuvenate your people.

3. Upgrade Your Technology

Just think of how much room that fax machine is taking up. New technology is exciting. It can elevate the appearance and functionality of a business office—not to mention boost employee morale. Faster systems allow people to work more efficiently, stay focused and have a greater sense of accomplishment. And you certainly don’t need to move your office to take advantage of the renewed human energy and efficiency that comes from upgrading your office tech.

4. Upgrade Your Office Furniture

If you’ve noticed a slump in productivity, extended lunchtime walks, more frequent breaks or people spending less time at their desks in general, it could be the furniture. Investing in quality:

  • ergonomic office chairs
  • height adjustable desks
  • adjustable monitor arms for computers
  • and accessories like headsets and wrist rests will go a long way toward keeping employees happy and healthy in their current space

In fact, new office furniture is one of the fastest ways to improve productivity, workflow, and aesthetics. Quite a lot of impact for a few new tables and chairs.

While there is an incredible variety of traditional and modern office furniture to choose from, including lines from Steelcase, Teknion, Inscape and Henry Miller, you might even consider custom furniture to make the best use of space in a uniquely designed office.

5. Improve Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality in the workplace is a serious health and safety concern. If a growing number of employees complain of dryness, headaches, or sinus congestion, it could be a sign of poor air quality. Excessive dust, mould, and odours from cleansers and perfumes can affect everyone’s comfort and health. But there are steps you can take to improve the air quality in your office:

  • Maintain your heating and ventilation systems
  • Allow proper airflow—don’t tape or block vents with furniture, books or other objects
  • Add plants to help filter the air—and keep them pesticide free!
  • Replace carpets
  • Use low-VOC paints
  • Install carbon monoxide detectors

6. Create a Good Visual Environment


Expose natural light wherever you can. A study from Northwestern University shows employees exposed to more natural light at the office enjoy a better quality of life than those exposed to less daylight in their workplace. Just make sure to include adjustable window covers.

Use dimmer switches for overhead lighting, and task lighting to ease eyestrain.

Paint your meeting room a vibrant colour to stimulate creativity and lively discussion.

Add artwork that reflects your company’s values and makes for a more attractive workplace. Strategically placed art can reduce stress, energize employees and inspire conversation.

Here’s What You Can’t Change… And When Moving to a New Office is the Best Option

Location: the cardinal rule in real estate. If you’re stuck on the outskirts while your competitors are thriving near clients and other business partners, it may be time to pack your boxes and join them.

Capacity: when you simply have too many (or too few) people for the space available, and no amount of clever design will change these inefficiencies, it’s time to move your office.

When the time comes to expand beyond your current office, get in touch with a professional office movers right from the start. Our team has flawlessly executed hundreds of moves. We can help you plan, design and get moving to a new office space with ease.

photo credit: K2 Space

photo credit: K2 Space